Six common mistakes to avoid when planning for early retirement

  Many of us have been dreaming of early retirement. I was blessed to retire at the age of 45 years old. I was planning to retire at 50 year...

Six common mistakes to avoid when planning for early retirement


Retirement tips

Many of us have been dreaming of early retirement.

I was blessed to retire at the age of 45 years old. I was planning to retire at 50 years old. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I ended forced to retire at 45 years old.

I was partially ready to retire from work at that time. To be honest, mentally unprepared. From my experience, here are some tips for you to avoid some mistakes when planning for retirement.

1. Starting too late

Most of us tend to be carried away with lifestyle spending during our younger days. Especially in the current style of living. Many have the FOMO habit which is fear of missing out! Most of the money wasted away to unnecessary spending. My advice is don't delay your retirement savings because it will result in insufficient funds during retirement days.

2. Underestimating expenses

Inflation can be daunting. It will squeeze out your money. It is important to create a realistic budget and be prudent about it.  Never underestimate unexpected expenses.

3. Relying solely on EPF or Pension

For those with EPF, don't ever withdraw your money to the max and splurge out the money while underestimating your longevity. Plan it properly to ensure it's enough to sustain your life till you receive the 'Calling'! Advisable to have extra savings or investments apart from just depending on EPF.

4. Underestimate the Healthcare Needs

Some people think medical insurance can cover it all. For example, my medical card only covers the cost if I get warded. I still need to spend my own money to see the GP or a visit to the specialist. High cholesterol medication can cost you around RM65 or more for just 10 days dosage. The cost of a simple X-ray for the slipped disc, consultation, and medication easily cost me RM730 for one visit. Ignoring healthcare needs during your retirement planning can lead to financial strain and reduce your quality of life.

5. No withdrawal strategy

If you are an avid unit trust funds account. Make sure to have a withdrawal strategy. It is best to sustain your life with just a yearly dividend without eating up to the principal at an early age. In this way, you can have a peaceful retirement which will last you to the late golden years.

6. Debt

If you still have debt in your account, means you aren't ready to retire. Make sure to retire when you are debt-free. Do not fall into debt during your retirement days. It can erode your retirement savings rapidly.

Conclusion is retirement planning isn't as simple as just about amount of cash in the bank account. You need to start early to project expenses, diversify income sources, avoid risky investments, plan your healthcare needs, don't underestimate your longevity.

Best Press Release Distribution Service in Malaysia


Best Press Release Distribution Service

A press release helps companies to get publicity and reach large audiences. Most companies pay thousands to an agency for the press distribution service to get the press release published in an online media outlet. How many online media outlets publish a press release? 

As a blogger for many years, I have received thousands of press releases to be published in my inbox. I publish none of these press releases on my blog. Why? Most PR agencies want me to publish it on my blog for free. 

At the end, who will suffer?

This is the reality 👇

You paid the Agency with the expectation for the Press Release to be distributed and publish online. I am not sure about the journalist who has been receiving your Press Release but for us, bloggers who have been receiving thousands of Press Releases with the expectation to be published for free. Obviously, your Press Release wouldn't be published!

Why is different from other Press Release Distribution Services?

We only distribute the press release to bloggers and will make sure it will be published. We will pay all bloggers accordingly for their service. Our service is simple and straightforward. Why? We are bloggers! We have a list of local bloggers pools in hand and will contact them personally for the service. services offered 

1. Press Release Distribution Service

Do you want your press release to be published online? Don't wait for months. Allow us to the press release to our network of bloggers and set the world talking about your products, services, etc

Press release distribution service is the most cost-effective way to have your press release distributed and published.

Client requirement : 

* Email us the press release at after payment.

* Maximum three images

* Maximum one website backlink

* Optional: You can let us know the specific publication date if there is any.

Our commitment :

* Distribute your press release to Malaysian Lifestyle bloggers for publication as it is. They can be English or Malay language bloggers. 

* Deliverable timeline within 14 working days

* We will send the list of blog links to proof the publication after 14 working days.

(Excluding language translation services and social media link sharing )

Press Release publication link sample for potential client reference 👉 Jordan Ultralite Toothbrushes - The Lightest, High-Performance Toothbrush You'll Use (

2. Blog Writing Service

This package includes blog post link sharing to one-time Facebook and Instagram shout-outs.

(Note: This is not a product experience review service)

Client requirement :

* Email us the content topic focus and direction to after payment.

* Maximum three images

* Maximum one website backlink

* Optional: Let us know the SEO keyword for backlink if there is any.

Our commitment :

* We will review the draft and approve the blog write-up before publication.

* Deliverable timeline within 30 working days

* We will send the list of blog links and social media shout to prove the publication after 14 working days of the publication date.

Blog writing service sample link for potential client reference 👉 Tips To Choosing The Right Course For Further Study (

3. Translation service from English copy to the Malay Language 

Client requirement :

* Email us the text copy for translation to 

* Text copy should not exceed 600 words

Our commitment :

* Deliverable timeline within 7 working days

4. Social Media Shout Out Service 

Client requirement :

* Email us the images with caption and backlink to 

* Text Caption should not exceed 100 words

Our commitment :

* The shout-out will be sync Instagram and Facebook

* Deliverable timeline within 7 working days

* We will send you the post link as proof of shout-out.

Email us : for rate inquiry.

How To Make Money with A Blog For Beginners


Blog For Beginner

You just started a blog but want to earn some side income out of it? Well, you come to the right place. For those who don't know me, let me introduce myself.

I am Cindyrina. I started my blog more than 10 years ago as a hobby. I was a full-time office worker and at the same time managing my blog during my leisure time. Those days, I never imagined would earn out of my blog. I am not a famous Malaysian Blogger or what so ever. But I would say my blog did give me a passive side income until now. As long as you don't aim to get rich or become a millionaire like others claim, then this guide to earn from the blog is totally practical.

Blogger and Influencer are totally two different things. Just bear that in mind. If you are an extrovert, then the influencer is a good thing for you to try. It can be very lucrative to the extent you can even tell your current Boss 'Goodbye'! But for introverts like me who are 'camera shy' and don't really good at social skills, then a blog is good enough as a place to express yourself and earn at the same time. You can be both blogger and influencer tho if you have the flair.

How to Earn From Blog?

Step 1  Start your own blog

You need to own a blog to start earning out of it. It is so easy to start a blog. You can choose between WordPress or Blogspot. I personally prefer Blogspot because it is really straightforward. You don't need to be an IT or Programmer background to start a blog. The only IT related skills I have is operating Microsoft Excel and Words when U started my blog back then. 

Don't forget to get your own domain name. I paid mine for RM45 a year and let them direct the domain name to my Blogspot. So easy. 

Step 2 Publish good content on your blog

Many 'online Gurus' will suggest you have a blog niche. As for me, started out with no niche then slowly build up towards Beauty, Lifestyle and Travel Blog. If you like cooking and have talent in it, you can start writing about the food you made and share the recipe. If you love fashion, you can provide write about fashion. There are many topics for you to choose, from. Yes! just like other 'online Gurus', I personally recommend having a blog with a niche to get more traffic. Write good content out of your niche and learn about SEO later. SEO is something you need to look into to get more advance in the blogging world.

Always put this in mind, a blog with just content is just another blog among the millions of others. But a blog with great content that can bring more traffic to your website can bring you good side income that you never imagine before.

Step 3 Build traffic to your website

What is traffic? Traffic means people visit your website and spend time there. You may start to build up organic traffic. Organic traffic is generated from search engines and at this moment mostly from Google.

A user will type a query in Google's Search Box when he/ she looking for something. If you have a good SEO or keywords in your content, you will appear into a good ranking from the google search and users will click on your website. Yeayyy! you gain traffic out of this. Organic traffic is very valuable for bloggers because it converts to many things, such as - users spending a longer time on your page, reading and scrolling on your website. Other than that, the user actions on your site are really important too. The 'Action' I meant is things like subscribe to your blog. newsletter, write comments, buy your products or inquire about your services. That is why good content is very important in a blog.

Step 4 Link your blog to auto advert

Now, you have good content and traffic to your website. It's time to earn. Apply the 'Google Adsense' and start earning out of the advertisement from google. You can check on my o0ther blog as an example on the advertisement placement by 'Google Adsense'

Step 5 Article placement

From time to time, my blog receives an inquiry for article placement from the advertiser. I have my own rate card ready for this. It can be a ready write up from the client or a request for a blog write up service with the client content direction. Just make sure to accept content that is suitable for your blog niche. You don't want to confuse your reader and end up losing followers or subscribers. 

 Step 6 Sponsorship

Throughout, my blogging journey with I received many products sponsorship and even shopping sponsorship. Since my niche is more on lifestyle and beauty, I am blessed with many beauty products sponsorship and many more. I just need to experience their products and services and share my experience through my blog. Some come in gift reviews and some come in both cash and products too. 

Step 7 Make money through affiliate marketing

There are many affiliates marketing which you can earn from just writing out about products and services your use in the day to day life. There is no need to just wait for product sponsorship solely to talk about products. You can also use good affiliates links and earn through every sale made from the link click through your content.

Step 8 Make money by selling your own product or services

You can also use your website to market your own products and services. This is a perfect marketing tool to introduce what you have and get customers out of it. Some people start to write ebooks and many more ways to earn. You just need not be shy to talk about your product and services on your own website. 

I will stop here for now. I will share the list of good affiliates websites and which apps to use to get product reviews for bloggers. Meantime, please share this blog post to your social media if you think this post will benefit others too.

Best Online Food Delivery Service Malaysia


Food Delivery

Online food delivery service Malaysia has had explosive popularity ever since the pandemic started. We used to do personal takeouts ('tapau') and dining in. Ever since the movement control order (MCO), we have all been using the online delivery service. It became a norm and close to culture for some people. Yours truly have no exception to this culture.

Ordering food online are super easy for many of us in Malaysia, and we are spoiled with choices too. If you are new in Malaysia, here are your list of online food delivery service platform should be installed in your smartphone to begin your journey as an online foodie, like us!

Top Food Delivery Services in Malaysia

1. Foodpanda

Foodpanda is one of the best-known online food delivery services in Malaysia and Asia. It provides a wide range of restaurant selections on the platform for you to choose from. No matter how bad is the review from others on FoodPanda, We personally consider Foodpanda as my personal top online food delivery service. Ordering food from foodpanda is relatively simple and easy. 

👉 Free registration use this LINK 

👉 Set up your delivery address

👉 Foodpanda apps will show the list of restaurants near your delivery address. 

You can narrow down the list based on your preference such as cuisine, budget, vegetarian, halal and many more. Foodpanda accepts online payment, credit cards and even cash on delivery. The delivery charges apply according to the distance of the restaurant you order. Nowadays, they even offer PICKUP. You make your food order online and self pick up the item with a discount offer. Personally, I usually look out to use their online vouchers to set off against my order. The voucher codes differ on a monthly basis. Just keep yourself updated before place your next order.

2. GrabFood

GrabFood considers one of the best online food delivery in Malaysia. I would say GrabFood has a wider range of restaurants in their listing. Especially the big chain restaurant and even more than 10km restaurant are on the list as well. But of course with higher delivery fees. One benefit of placing the order through GrabFood is you can accumulate points. The voucher codes here are pretty much limited especially for a single person. However, if you are placing a large meal, it could be savings, here.

Personally, the writer thinks most Malaysian use these 2 food delivery. Although, there is more another medium-size online food delivery service player in the market. We couldn't verify their service. Here at, we only list down services we have tried or the ones with a good reputation in the market.

3. Pop Meals formerly know as Dah Makan

Personally, only tried this delivery service during their start-up days as DahMakan. It was on a subscription basis. Instead of having the choice of the restaurant listed on the website. They have their own kitchen and meal preparation. The menu choices are kind of limited pre-fix with some selection based on your preference. The service was kind of ok and acceptable at that time. Now they have changed to Pop Meals, the menu is still on standard selection and interestingly look delicious too. The writer will try this out and update soon.

Air Asia Food

Ever since the pandemic started, not many can fly freely. Air Asia has been suiting the environment to stay afloat and survive the business. They have a venture into the food delivery business, which deserve a round applause. Personally, haven't tried their Air Asia food delivery, but have tried food delivery using the Santan food business under Air Asia wings as well. The food was alright from Santan. 

The writer wants to list out other online food delivery services but couldn't do so, since no experience placing orders from them. If to list other available food delivery, there are many in the list. Some of them are top Malaysian Marketplace, Shopee which is nothing new to most Malaysian. Shopee has newly ventured into Shopee Eats. If you haven't registered with Shopee yet, please use our Shopee referral link here. You will get 25% cashback from your first purchase using the code CINDY445

If you are an online food delivery service provider in Malaysia and want to be a feature on our website, please send your details collaboration to